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C O R E  &  F L E X I B I L I T Y 

W E L C O M E 

Curious about TRX Pilates? Imagine a fun, restorative, and innovative workout that boosts your strength and flexibility—all while using TRX Suspension Straps hanging from the ceiling!

By embracing the unique support and playful challenge of TRX Straps, this fun and dynamic fitness method strengthens your core, tones your muscles, boosts endurance, improves posture, and unlocks greater mobility!

TRX Pilates is like cracking the case for ultimate core strength—a killer combo of targeted TRX moves and Pilates precision that’ll have your abs feeling stronger than ever. Ready to make your way to a rock-solid core?


Get ready for the best core-strengthening exercises, conditioning, and flexibility training that will not only build muscle and endurance but also improve your core strength, posture, and mobility—all within an inclusive and supportive community that welcomes every fitness level.

W H Y   C H O O S E  

T R X   P I L A T E S

- TRX Pilates offers a holistic approach to fitness


- Combines TRX suspension training, Pilates, and flexibility exercises for full spectrum health and wellness


- Focuses on building core strength and improving flexibility


- Enhances endurance and improves balance


- Promotes joint-friendly training and injury free training


- Aims to boost vitality and support long-term health


- Helps individuals maintain an active lifestyle


- Provides a comprehensive workout for body strength and overall well-being

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TRX Pilates Core & Flexibilty
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F O R   F A S T   R E S U L T S

The straps in TRX Pilates give you support while making your exercises more effective, which helps you get a better core focused workout and stretch more deeply. One great thing about TRX Pilates is that it's really efficient—it works all your muscles at the same time, starting from your core.

At TRX Pilates, we are creating Everyday Athletes & Super Momma’s Strong, Confident & Capable in your everyday
life with Suspension Pilates.

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R E S U L T S   A F T E R   O N E   C L A S S

Experience a noticeable transformation after just one class. Within a few weeks of consistent attendance, revel in improved posture, reduced discomfort, and enhanced stamina. As you progress through our TRX Pilates classes, witness a profound and positive shift in both your life and body. Your journey towards a drastically improved well-being begins with each class.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your body and elevate your fitness journey with TRX suspension training fusion!


Let's make those wellness goals a reality, together!

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How  is TRX Pilates different from:



TRX Pilates offers a lower risk of injury and puts less strain on your joints and body. It focuses on controlled, low-impact movements that can improve posture, stability, and overall body alignment, especially targeting core strength. -


Reformer Pilates?

TRX Pilates provides a dynamic 'up and on your feet' workout that elevates the heart rate, enhancing energy levels, stamina, and cardiovascular benefits. It offers a deeper core workout and the TRX Suspension Trainer is light and portable for convenient use anytime, anywhere.



We love kettle bells and offer it in our Circuit Fire Class.  TRX Pilates provides more core activation through challenging instability exercises, offering a high-intensity workout with lower impact. The TRX straps are lightweight and easy to transport.


Spin Class?

TRX Pilates is better for hip and back health, promoting improved posture with a full-body core-focused workout. It targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to enhanced strength, flexibility, and muscular endurance.



TRX Pilates offers a slower pace with lighter weights and lower impact, focusing on core improvement, balance, stability, and posture while reducing the risk of injury.



We love Yoga and offer it at our studio. TRX Pilates offers a unique combination of strength-building movements supported by suspension straps, challenging muscles and core stability for increased strength and muscle definition compared to traditional yoga practices. It provides a more intense and dynamic workout while adding elements of cardio and resistance training.


TRX Pilates engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a comprehensive full-body workout that enhances overall strength and coordination without the high impact stress on joints associated with running. The adjustable resistance levels make it suitable for all fitness levels and goals.

TRX Pilates is known for its strong focus on core engagement throughout all exercises, utilizing suspension straps to challenge and strengthen core muscles in a unique way, leading to improved core strength.

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   T R X   P I L A T E S   

In a story that spanned 4 years, I embarked on a journey to shed the baby weight that had crept up on me during the whirlwind of parenting my daughter. What began as a struggle under the weight of extra pounds transformed into a victorious tale of strength and resilience. Adrift in a body that felt foreign and drained, I battled with unhealthy habits that seemed impossible to break.

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G O O G L E    R E V I E W S

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"TRX has helped me in my everyday goals of health and fitness. Doing TRX covers everything I need from the gym plus some cardio and stretching. It has also gotten me strengthened and mobile"

- LIZ DUONG  - Professional Badminton Coach

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